Child Abuse Prevention Topics

Child Abuse Prevention Network
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Topics in Child Abuse and Neglect

First posted in conjunction with the NBC Dateline on Child Abuse (April 17, 2000)

Use this table to “navigate” major topics in child abuse prevention. Note: Many of these links are to sites outside the Child Abuse Prevention Network, but you will still be able to navigate back by clicking on the Topics link at the top of this page Your Feedback Encouraged.


Survivor Issues




Reporting Hotlines, State by State SAVE Prevent Child Abuse America National Network on Child Care Children and the Law
Wounded Healer Prevent Child Abuse New York Grandparents Rights
Fostered Abandoned Children Together Other States Men and Fatherhood
Army Family
Custody Issues (Recommendations
for unbiased, independent web sources sought,)
Prevention Month in the Military Victims of Child Abuse Laws
Family Court Judges
Children’s Rights

This “Topics” page is meant to help people dealing with child abuse problems. No endorsement of any resource listed is implied or intended, since all individuals have the responsibility to seek out information on their own. The problem of child abuse is very complicated.

Why do some abused children grow up to be wonderful parents?
Why do some grow up to continue the cycle of abuse?
What makes parents abuse their children?
What is the difference between discipline and abuse?
What happens when a child abuse report is made?
Why are children taken from parents in some cases, and not in others?
Why are some children abused in foster care and in residential care?
What is the connection between spouse abuse and child abuse?
What is the connection between custody disputes and child abuse?
What are a father’s rights? What are the rights of grandparents?

Over time, and with the help of our users, the Child Abuse Prevention Network hopes to provide effective Topical Indexes on child abuse and neglect. User input is most appreciated!


Revised: Monday, 29-Oct-2001 15:40:01 EST

[email protected]