Partnership in The Child Abuse Prevention Network

VISIT OUR NEWEST PARTNER! The Exchange Club’s National Project: Child Abuse Prevention

Join the Child Abuse Professional Network and gain access to a unique network of professional colleagues and resources
Join the Physicians Network if you are a medical professional with clinical responsibility for child abuse and neglect cases.


Partnership in The Child Abuse Prevention Network

Services and Pricing (available only to approved partners*)


These are the current services created by LifeNET, Inc. for the benefit of the Child Abuse Prevention Network and its approved partners. All prices are subject to change. Package Pricing agreements available.

All our products and services are built on the premise that child abuse and neglect can be prevented, and that the power of the Internet is a major factor in the success of the prevention movement.
Our own track record on the Internet since 1995 tells us that we have the right idea.
We also believe that our services can be applied to a wide range of interrelated issues,
including the panoply of family violence, and the worldwide aspirations of the UN Conventions on Human Rights and on the Rights of the Child.
Choose your level of partnership, and we will support you!
You have our attention! Contact us.



To Qualify


Additional Information

Basic A place on the Top Partners Banner of the home page of the Child Abuse Prevention Network, with over 300,000 impressions per year (actual number in 2003 was 395,026)

A special Top Partners mini-app that links the Partner site to the Child Abuse Prevention Network. This mini-app can be placed on any page of your site at no additional cost. The Top Partners assures that your network can access globally important resources and always be just a “click away” from your home page.

The right to use the Network Logo on any page of your website. The Network Logo reminds all web users who search and find you that you are a part of the most valuable professional network on the Internet.

Must be approved as a Partner in the Child Abuse Prevention Network.


$500 Annual Fee.

Partnership is limited to organizations of major prominence in the field of child abuse and family violence. Inclusion is at the sole discretion of LifeNET, Inc., and can be extended or withdrawn at will.

Full Basic plus… a good package!

Web Hosting (a $300 value)

Complete Site Statistics (a $300 value)

Maintain! (a $600 value) — We provide your designated Webmaster with access to very secure tools for updating and maintaining your website (Secure File Transfer.) We continuously work to upgrade these resources to make sure you always have a protected site, and easy remote access. We provide the technical assistance.

Must have your website on our servers in order to take advantage of our services $800 Annual Fee.

Web Hosting assures you of a top-quality home for your web content, with built-in capacity to always know “more than you ever imagine” about who visits your site, day by day, month by month and year by year. This is a great way for you to know so much about how your site is used, and (by the way) how important the Child Abuse Prevention Network is in bringing traffic to you site. Typically, our Full Partners get a very large part of their traffic from us. You can judge the value of your partnership by the results!

Major Full plus… Requires a contract for services $1,500 Annual Fee.


— Secure Transactions Online Customers will know that their private information will be protected.
— Private Access Areas for your special audiences Password-protected areas of your website, for your most important constituencies
— Data gathering tools for guestbooks, feedback, skills banks, organization directories and other uses We can build and maintain up to seven centers with full support.

Your webmaster builds the forms under our instructions, and we provide secure access to the data files. We support what we build!

Partner Mail Partner Mail — up to 5 e-mail addresses under your domain name. We can forward all mail for you that comes to us, or we can give you a real “identity” on the Internet with “[email protected] Requires a contract for services $300 Annual Fee for 5 addresses to make sure that your wide constituency always knows how to get in touch with you.

We can provide enterprise-wide mail solutions as well, if you see your address as a key value to your membership.

E-List Plus Do you want your key audiences to be able to participate in state-of-the-art Electronic Mailing Lists (“listservs”)? We have the best, with a wonderful web interface to make sure that users can manage their own accounts. Requires a contract for services. You designate your own list manager. $300 Annual Fee per list.
Support Plus Our package for partners who want to have our year-round support in building their internet strategy. Retainer Fee $6000 Per Year. 10 hours per month of strategic support. Covers ALL OF THE ABOVE plus help in redefining and upgrading your Web presence. We BUILD for you, we SUPPORT what we build, AND we provide you with open consultation on all your Internet strategies and tactics.
Beyond the Fundamentals… and Towards a Better Future.
WebBase We build web-based databases to your specifications. You can manage your databases through an Internet interface. Here we can provide you with ways to build organizational strength through database management. Where are you headed? We provide the ways to effective stewardship of your most importance resources: your people and your knowledge. Requires a contract for services Contact us! Our systems are SQL and ODBC compliant, assuring top quality and security. This is your tool for “who needs to know what whenever they need it.”
InterAction The Internet is strongest when it inspires interaction. Requires a contract for services Contact us! This is the hallmark of the best websites on the Internet. Are you committed to interaction? Let us explore with you how to increase the action!
EasySite We have a technical site design plan that makes the job of your Webmaster simple. Requires a contract for services Contact us! EasySite defines the difference between “graphic design” and simple site management. Never another argument about how your site looks! We provide a structure that allows maximum design flexibility while giving you an easy way to manage your site — no matter what the “look.”

Pick your choices! Contact us.

*Go to our home page to see our current partners. We are committed to building strong partnerships!

webmaster at child-abuse dot com