ICC: Status and Resources



The International Children’s Centre is a foundation established in 1949
by decision of the French Government and the United Nations, on the initiative
of Professor Robert Debre and Doctor Ludwik Rajchman who was then head of
the UNICEF. The foundation was recognized as being in the public interest
by a decree of 10 November 1949 modified by the decree of 19 November 1970
giving approval to its statutes.

These statutes provide for the following components:

An internationai Executive Board
The International Children’s Centre is administered by an Executive Board
consisting of seventeen members appointed for three years who meet once
a year to set the main orientations for ICC’s work, approve the financial
report, and vote the budget. Six members are appointed by the Ministries
of Foreign Affairs and Health, and they designate the other eleven members.
The members of the Board represent a number of scientific disciplines and
are drawn from four continents. The Executive Board elects from among its
members a Chairman and a Standing Committee to whom its powers are delegated
between sessions.

A Director-General
The Director-General is appointed by the Executive Board, and is responsible
for the operation of the Centre and for carrying out the decisions of the
Executive Board. The Director-General directs the relationships of the Centre
with international agencies and national administrative authorities concerned
with its activities.

A Technical Advisory Comrnitte
The Executive Board is assisted by a Technical Advisory Committee made up
of experts appointed by each of the United Nations specialized agencies
concerned with children. Comparison of priorities with these major organizations
enables ICC’s policy and programme of action to be appropriately oriented.

The Executive Board has decided on the establishment of a Scientific Council
responsible for advice on and evaluation of the Centre’s scientific activities;
and of three scientific Committees to enrich ICC’s reflexion; also for recruitment
of a Scientific Directorto lead and coordinate the multidisciplinary team.


The team
75 staff members in 1994. 15 of them scientists: under the leadership of
a Scientific Director, 9 medical officers, 1 psychologist, 1 anthropologist,
1 economist, 1 sociodemographist, 1 agrobusiness engineer. This team is
strengthened by temporary consultants.

The other members of the staff are documentalists, librarians, administrators,
technicians and secretaries.

The International Children’s Centre also receives interns and postgraduate
students who participate in its scientific and documentary activities.

Financial Resources
40 million francs in 1994: 61% come from a block grant by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, 28% from specific contracts concluded with international
organizations or national administrations, 10% from ICC’s own resources,
and 1% from donations and sponsorship.

Physical Resources
The International Children’s Centre offices, library1 and lecture rooms
are in a building leased from the City of Paris (the Chateau de Longchamp).
Scientific meetings of outside agencies working in connexion with children
are also held in its lecture rooms.