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Travels in the Trench Between  Child Welfare Theory and Practice

by George Thomas

Presented online in collaboration with the author and Haworth Press
by The Child Abuse Prevention Network


We welcome your feedback! And be sure to visit us:

[ Current Installment ]
[ Index ]
[ Table of Contents ]
[ The Cover ]
[ The Haworth Press ]
[ The Child Abuse Prevention Network ]

Dear Reader:
Your comments on the contents and themes of this work are always appreciated.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss your ideas for positive change in child
welfare practice.

George Thomas

Athens, GA


Table of Contents

We will add a new entry for each installment of this book. You can
always come back here to review earlier installments or to go on to a
new installment.

  • Installment One  Shows how the history
    of child welfare since World War Two has led to an approach that puts
    “process before people.”
  • Installment Two  Takes the reader
    through the issues that have led to the current patterns of child
    welfare reform. (And completes Chapter One.)
  • Installment Three  Puts the concepts
    of “charity and justice” into the context of a system the author
    describes as “the bureaucratic-professional complex” — a social work
    equivalent of the “military-industrial complex.”
  • Installment Four (the Current Installment)  Establishes how the
    “B/P Complex” functions to operate a “structuralist” approach to child welfare, one
    that puts “process before people.” A result of this strategy is a continuous growth in
    the size of the child welfare system, and ever-expanding boundaries in the system of care.

  • [ Current Installment ]
    [ Index ]
    [ Table of Contents ]
    [ The Cover ]
    [ The Haworth Press ]
    [ The Child Abuse Prevention Network ]

    [Haworth co-indexing entry note]: Thomas, George.
    Co-published simultaneously in Child & Youth Services (The Haworth Press, Inc.)
    Vol. 17, No. 1/2, 1994, and: Travels in the Trench Between Child
    Welfare Theory and Practice: A Case Study of Failed Promises and Prospects for
    Renewal (George Thomas) The Haworth Press, Inc., 1994, pp. xxiii-xxiv. Multiple
    copies of this article/chapter may be purchased from The Haworth Document
    Delivery Center [1-800-3-HAWORTH; 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (EST)]. © 1994 by
    The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.