Prevent Child Abuse New York’s Products!By childabuse Conference Photo Album When You buy Our Products…. You Support Child Abuse Prevention! T-Shirts & Sweat Shirts Special Prices for ALL Bulk Orders! In Addition! Prevent Child Abuse New York is a statewide not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agency and as such is tax exempt. 50% of all product costs are tax deductible. Teddy Bears & Bunnies Pins, Pins & More Pins Notes, Mugs, Calendars & Other Goodies! Order by mail or by fax Order By Phone HOME Your Purchase Helps Support our Programs! For Credit Card orders -the minimum charge is $15.00 Attention this is not yet a secure a Webpage! For your safety do not email us with your credit card information instead please print and complete this form and mail it with your check, money order or credit card information to: About Us Conference Photo Album About Child Abuse About Prevention Support Prevention For Parents Our Products Advocacy Copyright Information Healthy Families New York Contact Us Links Home T-Shirts & Sweat Shirts Product Sizes Prices Colors Short Sleeve T-Shirt Child sizes 6-8/10-12/14-16 Adult sizes Medium/Large/Xlarge XXlarge/XXXlarge $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 Original Navy Purple(Adult only) Maroon(Adult only) Red Jade (XXXlarge N/A) Rasberry Black Long Sleeve T-Shirt Adult Sizes Only Medium/Large/XLarge $13.50 Original Navy Only Sweat Shirts Child Sizes Small/Medium/Large Adult Sizes Large/XLarge XXLarge/XXLarge $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 Dark Green Bright Blue Top of Page Pins, Pins & More Pins Product Size/Description Price Angel Pins 1 1/2″ x 2″/Handcrafted, Gold or Silver $14.00 Collectable Kid Pins 2″ Colorful Molded Plastic Top- left to right Tony, Vicki, Carlos, Bottom – left to right Maria, Bobby $2.00 each $8.00 set of Five Logo Pin 1″ Red & Blue enamel on Gold Pin $3.00 Logo/NYState 3/4″ Red & Blue enamel $3.00 1-800-CHILDREN Gold $3.00 Blue Ribbon PIN Blue Enamel $2.50 Top of Page Teddy Bears & Bunnies Product Size/Description Price Colors Brown Bean Bear Our most popular bear! Itsy Bear 9" Small Bear 12" Bean Bear 19" Bean Bunny 17" Softie Bear 16" Softie Bunny 16" Grizzly 15" Newborn Bear 20" All are handmade, machine washable $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $35.00 Tan Brown Grey Black Top of Page Notes, Mugs, Calendars & Other Goodies! Product Description/Color Price Logo Notes 10 notes/Green Ink White Paper More Note Cards Available! CLICK HERE! for a full catalogue $6.00 Five Children Notes 10 notes/2 cards of each 5 different children. Red Ink, White Paper $6.00 Mixed Colored Notes 8 notes/Four Designs-2 of each 1. Children with ballons.(pictured) 2. We are all born to love. 3. Children in Circle. 4. Children in Field of Flowers. $8.00 Celebrations Calendar Never forget a Birthday or Anniversary again!This perpetual calendar keeps track of all of your personal special occasions! A must have for those of us who tend to be forgetful. Lasts a lifetime. $10.00 Coffee Mugs DARK GREEN or BLUE $5.00 Pens Navy click pens Happy Face Bubble Pen $1.00 $2.00 Magnets 2″x 3.5″ /Colorful, parent-awareness message $0.50 each or 3 for $1.00 Buttons Red/Blue Logo on White $0.50 each or 3 for $1.00 Top of Page Prevent Child Abuse New YorkProducts Order Form Ordering is now easier than ever..choose from the following three options 1. by Mail : Please Copy/download, print and complete this form and mail it with your check, money order or credit card information to: Prevent Child Abuse New York 134 South Swan Street Albany, NY 12210 2. Order by phone 1.800.CHILDREN (New York State only) 518.445.1273 (Out of State orders) 3. For Credit Card orders only Please Copy/download, print and complete this form and Fax 518.436.5889 Product Description Quantity Per Item Price Total Prevent Child Abuse New York is a statewide not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agency and as such is tax exempt. 50% of all product costs are tax deductible. Total Donation Sh & Handling $1-$25.00 $3.50 $26.00-$49.00 $4.50 $50.00-$100.00 $5.50 $100.00- + 7% Total Due Prevent Child Abuse New York is a statewide not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agency and as such is tax exempt. 50% of all product costs are tax deductible. SHIP TO: (We cannot Ship to Post Boxes) REMEMBER>>> Special Prices for ALL Bulk Orders! Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: EMail: My check payable to Prevent Child Abuse New York is enclosed in the amount of $ We cannot accept Credit Card orders Under $15.00! I would like to charge my purchase to my credit card in the amount of $ on my Mastercard VISA Name as it appears on credit card: Card Number: Expiration Date: Signature: Attention this is not yet a secure a Webpage! For your safety do not email us with your credit card information instead please print and complete this form and mail it with your check, money order or credit card information to: Thank you for your support. Prevent Child Abuse New York It Shouldn’t Hurt To Be A Child! Prevent Child Abuse New York Lee Cameron, Products Manager 134 S. Swan Street Albany, NY 12210 Phone in your order In New York State You may call 1-800-CHILDREN for Out of state orders call 1.518.445.1273 OR FAX (credit card orders only) your printed order form 518-436-5889 Return Main Menu