Save the Children Norway – [email protected]

REDD BARNA children@risk

REDD BARNA children@risk

REDD BARNA children@risk REDD BARNA children@risk REDD

BARNA children@risk

REDD BARNA children@risk REDD BARNA children@risk

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Right now there are

thousands of pedophiles surfing in children’s misery on the


Pedophile networks are using the Internet to spread

child pornography throughout the world.

Innocent victims are being stripped of their

childhood, defiled to feed perverted lust.

This organised rape of the young occurs

because someone is willing to pay, while others close there

eyes or look the other way.

Protected by a data screen, the chances of

net pedophiles being caught have been minimal.

Until now.

Instead of the net becoming a speakeasy for

pedophiles, Save The Children Norway want to use it as a

weapon to stop them.

But we need all the help we can get.

Every time you find any form of child

pornography on the net, or networking among child

abusers, use our e-mail

[email protected]

and inform us.

We will pass substantiated information on to

the Norwegian police, who will channel it to the correct

international authorities.

By tracing pedophile activity we can

together hope to destroy it.










Redd Barna (Save The

Children Norway) in co-operation with the Norwegian

Ombudsman for Children, Trond Waage, presented an initiative

to fight child pornography on the net at the first World

Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

in late August 1996.


The three

main points:


We have established the child pornography

tips e-mail

[email protected]


All information on child pornography or

networking among child abusers is greatly appreciated.

Substantiated information will be passed on to the Norwegian

police, who will channel it to the correct international

authorities. If you desire, we will keep your input


3. Save

The Children Norway are against censorship on the net. Free

flow of information on the net is precious and should be

guarded. But we should also try to fight crime in

CyberSpace, as we do in the real world. Maybe a CyberCop is

the answer? We welcome your viewpoints on how to fight

documented child abuse ( i.e. child pornography) on the net,

without abusing freedom of speech.



in the discussion in our interactive



In 1997 we received 1945 messages from all over the world. Substantiated information has been handed over to the police, who have taken the necessary actions.

This page was updated January 15, 1998.

Bookmark this page,

and stay up-dated on the fight against child pornography in




You are visitor number since November 10. 1996





Below you will find links to

various sites related to the fight against child pornography

on the Internet. Please inform us if there are any ‘obvious’

links missing from the list.



is a non-profit organisation monitoring Pedophilia on the Internet.

The UK based Internet Watch Foundation encourage all netizens to report potentially illegal material to their hotline. They can only act on material that can be prosecuted under UK legislation.

MAPI, the


Against Pedophilia on the Internet,

is an initiative from a group of professors and researchers

from the Computer Science Department and from the Faculty of

Law of the University Notre-Dame de la Paix of Namur


Read CNN’s article on:

What’s indecent on the

Internet, and who should decide?

Have a look at the documentation from the


Congress on Sexual Exploitation of Children.

In USA you can call


ALERT to reach the US Customs

Child Pornography & Protection Unit with information on

child pornography.


(End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography And The

Trafficking Of Children For Sexual Purposes), one of the

co-organisers of the World Congress in Stockholm, has

developed a paper on child pornography.




Produced by The

Missing Link, Oslo

Last modified by Save the Children Norway on January 15, 1998