News – in Children’s House

– in Children’s House

At the first World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
in Stockholm
late August 1996,
Redd Barna (Save The Children Norway)
in co-operation with the Norwegian
Ombudsman for Children,
presented the international initiative

[email protected]

to fight
child pornography on the Internet.

Visit [email protected] in Children’s House!



From Jan 01 to Sept 10 Children’s House had:

Total successful requests: 74 901

Average successful requests per day: 301

Number of distinct hosts served: 10 243

To see the geographic location of the users, click here.

The Floor of Information Resources has recently been up-dated.

The interactive Conference Floor in
Children’s House has been quite active, and we are for the moment prepairing
the scripts for
interactive registration of child related training activities on the Training Floor.

At the Conference Floor you may, quick and easy, register and announce an up-comming event arranged by your

Simply fill in the brief registration form you find under “Register your own Conference or
Seminar”, and during a weeks time the event will be announced in Children’s House. If you need the event to be
announced imediately, you may send an e-mail to [email protected]
to notify the conference moderator.

Announcing events in Children’s House is free of charge.


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