Childwatch International – Key Institution Profiles

Childwatch International
Key Institution

Inter-American Children’s Institute,
specialized agency of the Organization of American States

Address Main lines of research Staff profile and disciplines Networks

Instituto Interamericano del Niño
– organismo especializado de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Avenida 8 de Octubre 2904
Montevideo, 11600

Tel: +598-2-487-2150
Fax: +598-2-487-3242
E-mail: [email protected]
(Headquarters in Montevideo, Uruguay)
and [email protected]
(representative in WashingtonDC, USA)

E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Rodrigo Quintana Meléndes
Director General
E-mail: [email protected]

– Intercountry adoption
– Child welfare system
– Childhood indicators
– Drug abuse
– Comparative law
– Integration of children with disabilities
– Sexual violence and exploitation
– Sociology
– Economics
– Law
– Systems analysis
– Psychology
– Documentation
– Education
– Research
– Niños de América Latina (NIDAL): research network coordinated
by the Institute CLASCO, UNICEF
– Red De edes (CD-ROM) CIID
– International Sociological Associations (Childhood Research Committee)
– Child Rights Information Network (CRIN)
– Children’s House in Cyberspace
– Red Interamericana de Información sobre Niñez (RIIN)

Last updated: 24 June 1999