Childwatch International – Key Institution Profiles

Childwatch International

Unit for Child and Youth Research, India

Address Main lines of research Staff profile and disciplines Networks

Unit for Child and Youth Research

Tata Institute of Social Sciences
P.O. Box 8313 Deonar
Mumbai 400088

Tel: +91-22-556 3290
Fax: +91-22-556 2912
E-mail: [email protected]

Usha Nayar

Research on health, education, media and personality development of children
and youth from vulnerable sections of society as well as issues of their
living, particularly in urban areas; the research focus is on programme
and policy development

Ongoing projects:
– Working parents and their lifestyles in Bombay
– Field perceptions of the social group method
– Informal education among the tribal children in Betul District
– Health status of Indian youth: a study on data, indicators and inequalities
– Health status of adolescents: a study in Bombay
– A study of agencies working in the field of youth development
– Health and lifestyle of adolescents
– Child and youth welfare in India (a trend report)
– Children and technology: alternatives and possibilities

– psychology
– developmental clinical psychology
– social work (FCW)
– child development
– demography
– anthropology (social)
– anthropology (physical)
– International United Nations agencies and others
– National research bodies
– Ministries
– Voluntary organizations
– National and international university departments working in the field
of child and youth research

Last updated: 14 September 1998