ICC: Objectives


Since the International Children’s Centre (ICC) was established in 1949,
it has given highest priority in its work to the heaith and development
of the world’s children.

In collaboration with specialized international organizations (particularly
UNICEF and WHO) and national agencies concerned with children, it carries
out activities in training, action-research, and dissemination of knowledge
on subjects concerning the health and development of children.

In forty-five years of experience, ICC’s specificity has developed in the
following ways:

Priority to action in developing countries

ICC concentrates the greater part of its activities in developing countries,
with special reference to those in French-speaking Africa, Latin America,
and South-East Asia. It also carries out activities in France, and is beginning
to develop programmes for the countries of Eastern Europe, and the ex-USSR.

Planning and action based on long-term objectives

Since its establishment, ICC has chosen to work on long-term programmes
which are aimed at studying and modifying the causes of the poor health
and difficult social situation of children in the world, and at seeking
new strategies appropriate for countries to improve this situation.

In so doing, its action is intentionally directed towards intervening before
an emergency situation arises.

A global and multidisciplinary approach to problems concerning children

Facing the diversity of health and development conditions, ICC has developed
a global view of the problems of children and adolescents: it has extended
its approach to health by integrating psychological, social, educational,
economic and cuitural aspects with it. This approach is the responsibility
of a multidisciplinary team.

Strengthening the capabilities of local personnel concerned with children

The involvement of local personnel in activities is an essential condition
of the programmes long-term duration and efficacy. This is why, in countries
where ICC is involved in activities, it cooperates with local research and
training teams rather than taking their place. Through exchange of knowledge
and skills, it makes every effort, together with these local teams, to identify
and analyse the needs of families and communities and then to work out appropriate
solutions to deal with them.

A strategy of partnership and a network

In order to achieve the greatest possible effectiveness in field activities,
ICC works in technical and financial partnership with international organizations,
the administrative authorities in France and in the involved countries,
research and cooperation agencies, and non-governmental organizations concerned
with problems of children and development. With these partners, it participates
in the planning of the programmes it assists or coordinates.

ICC’s experience has made it an international pole of reference on the health,
development and care of children.

Through its training and research activities, ICC has also built up an international
network of professionals, decision-makers and trainers to ensure the extension
and long-term duration of its activities.