Immediate follow-up and Relevant Childwatch Activities

Childwatch International

Report form the First Meeting of Key Institutions continues…

Immediate follow-up and Relevant Childwatch Activities

Regular up-dates and other channels of communication

As listed above, the participating institutions wanted an arrangement with regular exchange of updates among themselves. Childwatch has made arrangement for distribution through e-mail and fax to the group of regular 6-months updates on each institution, as well as other information concerning upcoming conferences and meetings, new publications etc. All information could be sent to Childwatch and it will be distributed immediately to all participants from the Secretariat. Depending on the wishes of the participating institutions, Childwatch can also set up electronic conferences on specific issues among those who are already on e-mail.

Overview of institutions and on-going research

Together with the UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Childwatch is undertaking a European survey of research on issues related to children’s rights. The results of this survey will be published in a directory and also made available on diskette. With the cooperation of institutions in the Childwatch network, similar surveys could be carried out in other regions of the world, as well, to create a global overview.

Capacity building

Childwatch has established contacts with CODESRIA, an African network of social science research institutions, to explore possiblities for cooperation on training courses in child research. ANPPCAN (the African Network for Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect) has approached Childwatch with a proposal to establish a documentation centre, thatwould i.a. support the reseach initiatives of the organisation. Both projects will be followed up by Childwatch in terms of involving the relevant key institutions in further planning.

The editor of the journal ‘Childhood’ has indicated an interest in organising training for authors of articles, in order to conform with international rules for style and format of scientific articles.

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