DCI – Protection of Juveniles 7

Defence for Children International

UN Rules for

Protection of Juveniles


In every place where juveniles are detained a complete and secure record

of information should be kept including information on the identify of the

juvenile, the fact, reasons and authority for the commitment, the day and hour

of admission, transfer and release and details of notifications to parents and

guardians. Any details of known physical and mental health problems should also

be included.

In order for juveniles to be aware of their entitlements they should be

provided with a copy of the facility’s rules on description of their rights and

obligations in language which can be understood by juveniles. Also included

should be the addresses of the competent authorities to receive complaints and

the names and addresses of public and private bodies which provide legal


Where juveniles are moved to or from facilities it should only be in

conveyances with adequate ventilation and light. At no time should juveniles be

subject to hardship or indignity.

Classification and
