DCI – Protection of Juveniles 5

Defence for Children International

UN Rules for Protection

of Juveniles


Although the UN Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their

Liberty incorporate standards regulating the entitlements of juveniles under

arrest or awaiting trial, as a general rule detention before trial should be

avoided and limited to exceptional circumstances. Where nevertheless juveniles

are detained the highest priority should be given to a speedy trial.The

presumption of innocence is applicable and all juveniles are entitled to

unimpeded private access to legal counsel. Juveniles should also be eligible to

apply for free legal aid, where such aid is available.

Juveniles who are under arrest or awaiting trail should also have the

opportunity, where possible, to work for remuneration and to continue their

education and training; however, they should not be required to do so. They are

also entitled to receive materials for their leisure and recreation.

Many of the UN Rules concerning juveniles under arrest or awaiting trial

reiterate provisions found in global and regional human rights treaties.

The Management of

Juvenile Facilities