DCI – Protection of Juveniles 17

Defence for Children International

UN Rules for Protection

of Juveniles


All disciplinary procedures should be consistent both with upholding the

dignity of the rights of juveniles and with respecting the basic rights of all.

Labour should be regarded as an educational tool and should not be imposed as a

disciplinary sanction. Cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment including corporal

punishment, placement in a dark cell, closed or solitary confinement, reduction

of diet and the restriction of family contact is prohibited. Collective

sanctions are also forbidden and no juvenile should be punished more than once

for the same disciplinary offence.

Juveniles should not be responsible for disciplinary functions except in

the supervision of specified social, educational, or sports acitivities or in

self-government programmes.

States should adopt legislation concerning the following: conduct

constituting a disciplinary offence; the type and duration of disciplinary

sanctions that may be imposed; the authorities competent to impose sanctions and

consider appeals. No juvenile should be disciplined except in accordance with

the terms of the law and the regulations in force and only after being clearly

informed of the alleged infraction. Juveniles should also have proper

opportunities to present their defence, including the right of appeal to a

competent impartial authority. Complete records should be kept of all

disciplinary proceedings.

Inspection and
