DCI – Protection of Juveniles 18

Defence for Children International

UN Rules for Protection

of Juveniles


Qualified independent inspectors should be empowered to conduct regular

inspections and to undertake unannounced inspections on their own initiatives.

Juveniles should have the right to talk in confidence to any of them. Qualified

medical officers should participate in the inspections and all the inspectors

should have unrestricted access to everyone and to all the records. Any

violation found should be communicated to the competent authorities for

investigation and prosecution. In addition, juveniles should have the

opportunity of making requests and complaints without censorship to the director

of the facility, to their authorised representatives, to the central authority

or to the judicial authority and thes should de informed of the response without


States should also make efforts to establish an independent office

(ombudsman) to receive and investigate complaints made by juveniles deprived of

their liberty.

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