About Treating Abuse Today
Treating Abuse Today is published by Survivors and Victims Empowered
(SAVE), a non-profit organization created to help prevent the criminal neglect
and physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children and to help adult survivors
of childhood traumas. To that end, we work in cooperation with the public
and private sectors to raise awareness of these problems and to offer and
implement positive solutions. Through our many program services we are working
to end the tragedy of abuse.
You are witnessing part of our innovative commitment to finding solutions.
We are building this electronic resource on the Internet in collaboration
with Cornell University’s Child Abuse Prevention Network and their private
sector strategic partner, LifeNET, Inc. We encourage you to explore all
the resources we provide through this collaboration. To do so, just click
on the “Member” bar at the top of this page. When you do, you
can then click on our SAVE button, to navigate all our public resources
online, or explore the other partner sites you find there.
Editorial Statement: Treating Abuse Today is a bi-monthly
publication directed toward professionals working in the field of trauma
treatment. Each issue features broad-ranging views within the psychotherapy
profession. The magazine includes clinical, theoretical, and research articles
as well as news analyses exploring social and political developments.
Electronic Publishing: We encourage our subscribers to consider
an electronic subscription. Through our partnership with LifeNET, we are
able to meet both the electronic and print needs of our audience. We are
committed to serving all readers who prefer a print version. And we are
proud to offer the FIRST world wide web journal in the field of child
abuse treatment. Whatever subscription you choose, if you include the electronic
version, you will have the earliest access to the resources we provide. Subscribe Today!
Please encourage your friends to visit our World Wide
Web Site for a view of what we offer, and a special preview of Treating
Abuse Today.
Circulation: Presently, each issue has a press run of 3,500 copies. Our estimated total readership exceeds 7,000 including individual, institutions, and library subscriptions and conference sales in over 20 countries.
Recent Contents
Volume 7, Number 2
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Treatment of Rape Trauma: A Case Report
- As Close to the Truth as you Can: A gentle and Flexible Validation Technique for Memory Work
- Advances in Diagnosing and Treating Dissociative Disorders
- Hearing and Being Heard: Introduction to Back on Track: Boys Dealing with Sexual Abuse
- Sneak Preview! Book Review: Cult and Ritual Abuse, and Satanic Ritual Abuse
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