Growing Up In Cities







Site leaders of the GUIC Project:


      • UNESCO Coordination
        Nadia Auriat
        UNESCO – MOST Programme
        1 rue Miollis
        75732 Paris, Cedex 15
        Tel: +33-1-45-68-38-62
        Fax: +33-1-45-68-57-24
        Email: [email protected]



      • General Coordination
        Louise Chawla
        Whitney Young College
        Kentucky State University
        Frankfort, KY 40601
        Tel: +1-502-227-6721
        Fax: +1-502-227-6041
        Email: [email protected]



      • Argentina
        Nilda Cosco
        Robin Moore
        Pasaje del Signo 4028 piso C
        1425 Buenos Aires
        Fax: +54-1-827-2187
        Email: [email protected]

        Contact Robin Moore also at:
        North Carolina State University
        Raleigh, NC 27695-7701
        Email:[email protected]



      • India
        Kanchan Bannerjee
        David Driskell
        312 Chitrapur Apartments
        15 Cross, Malleswaram
        Bangalore 560055
        Tel: +91-80-3349164
        Fax: +91-80-3347289
        Email: [email protected]
        Email: [email protected]



      • Norway
        Hanne Wilhjelm
        Institute of Architectural Design
        Oslo School of Architecture
        P.O. Box 6768 St. Olavs plass
        N-0130 Oslo
        Tel: +47-22-99-71-73
        Fax: +47-22-11-19-70
        Email:[email protected]



      • Poland
        Krystyna Skarzynska
        Piotr Olaf Zylicz
        Institute of Psychology – PAN
        ul. Podlesna 61
        01-673 Warsaw
        Fax: +48-22-34-09-07
        Email: [email protected]
        Email: [email protected]




      • United Kingdom
        Barry Percy-Smith
        School of Environmental Science
        Nene College of Higher Education
        Park Campus
        Boughton Green Road
        Northampton NN2 7AL
        Tel: +44-1604-735500
        Fax: +44-1604-791114
        Email: [email protected]



      • United States
        Ilaria Salvadori
        College of Environmental Design
        University of California Berkeley
        2432 Russell Street
        Berkeley, CA 94705
        Tel: +1-510-644-2910
        Email: [email protected]



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