DCI – Protection of Juveniles 3

Defence for Children International

UN Rules for

Protection of Juveniles


The Rules are based upon the following fundamental principles:

Deprivation of liberty should be a

disposition of last resort and for the minimum period and should be limited to

exceptional cases.

Juveniles should only be deprived

of their liberty in accordance with the principles and the procedures of

international law.

The establishment of small open

facilities is encouraged to enable individualised treatment and to avoid the

additional negative effects of deprivations of liberty.

Deprivation of liberty should

only be in facilities which guarantee meaningful activities and programmes

promoting the health, self-respect, and sense of responsibility of juveniles.

The facilities should also foster their skills to assist them in developing

their potential as members of society.

The detention facilities should be

decentralised to enable access and contact with family members and to allow for

integration into the community.

The care of juveniles deprived of

their liberty is a social service of great importance.

All juveniles deprived of their

liberty should be helped to understand their rights and obligations during

detention and be informed of the goals of the care provided.

Juvenile justice personnel should

receive appropriate training including child welfare and human rights.

All juveniles should benefit from

arrangements designed to assist them in returning to society.

The Status of the Rules