DCI – Protection of Juveniles 22

Defence for Children International

UN Rules for Protection

of Juveniles


The Rules should be applied impartially without discrimination of any

kind as to colour, sex, language, religion, nationality, political or other

opinion, cultural beliefs or practices, property, birth, or family status,

ethnic or social origin and disability. In interpreting the Rules the religious

and cultural beliefs, practices and moral concepts of the juvenile should also

be respected.

The Rules should be made available to juvenile justice personnel in

their national languages. They should also serve as guidance to all

professionals involved in the management of the juvenile justice system.

The Rules are only intended to establish minimum standards with a view

to counteracting the detrimental effects of all types of deprivation of liberty

and to foster the integration of juveniles into society. In order to ensure the

most effective implementation of the Rules states should monitor the application

of the Rules. They should also be incorporated into national legislations or,

where appropriate, the relevant legislation should be amended. National

legislation should also provide effective remedies for breach of the Rules.

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